News About the Museum
2024: How artists are using their talents to help San Jose reduce its carbon footprint (featuring Rosicrucian Park) - PBS Newshour
2023: Why Is There an Ancient Egyptian Museum in San Jose? - The San Francisco Standard
2023: A Rosicrucian Tie-In - Metro News
2022: Mumienmaske einer Frau aus Mittelägypten (Female Mummy Mask from Middle Egypt) - The German Archaeological Institute (DAI)
2021: A Study of RC-2990, Offering Table from the Twelfth Dynasty, in Bulletin of the Center of Papyrological Studies
2021: Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum and the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative at UCLA Partner to Present a Digital Database of 173 Inscribed Objects from the Museum
2021: Scholars from the Department of Central Eurasian Studies at Indiana University - Bloomington Present a Study of the Ancient Iranian Stamp Seals in the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
2020: Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum joins Getty Museum's APPEAR (Ancient Panel Paintings: Examination, Analysis, and Research) Database Team
2020: UC Berkeley and Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum Partner to Explore Origin of Coffin of Tadinanefer (RC-2186), 3D Model Created
2020: Passing from the Middle to the New Kingdom: A Senet Board in the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
2020: Is this the Original Board Game of Death? - Science Magazine
2020: Ancient Board Tracks Evolution of Popular Egyptian Game - Archaeology Magazine
2020: Enigmatic Evolution of Ancient Egypt's "Game of Death" Revealed - Ancient Origins
2020: Ancient Egyptian "Board Game of Death" Identified by Scientists - New York Post
2020: Ancient Egyptian “Board Game of Death" Similar to Ludo was Used to Talk to Deceased Players in the Afterlife 3,500 Years Ago - Daily Mail
2020: Ancient Egyptian “Board Game of Death” Identified by Scientists - Fox News
2020: Ancient Egyptians Had Their Own Kind of Ouija Board - Popular Mechanics
2020: Ludo-like Board Game Was Used to Communicate with the Dead in Ancient Egypt: Study - Republic TV
2020: Ancient Egypt: 5,000-Year-Old “Board Game of Death” Discovered in Rare Archaeological Find - Express
2020: Ancient Egyptian “Board Game of Death” Uncovered that Looks Like Ouija Board - Mirror
2020: Egyptian “Board Game of Death” Used to Talk with the Dead 3,500 Years Ago Just Like a Oujia Board Uncovered - The Sun
2020: Arqueólogos Descobrem Origens do Antigo “Jogo de Tabuleiro da Morte" Egípcio - Sputnik Brazil
2020: «السينيت».. لعبة المصري القديم التي بدأت كهواية وتطورت لتربط الموتى بالأحياء» - Shorouk News
2020: Tìm thấy bảng “trò chơi tử thần” cổ xưa của người Ai Cập cổ đại - Dantri
2020: Take a Look at the “Board Game of Death" Played by Ancient Egyptians - Derry Journal
2020: Scientists Unearth Spooky Ancient Egyptian Past Time – Times of India
2020: Take a Look at the “Board Game of Death” Played by Ancient Egyptians - Wigan Today
2019: Five Old Assyrian texts from the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
2018: Comfort International, Inc. Cost Effective & Environmentally Friendly HVAC creates Carbon Neutral Museum - Benzinga.com
2018: Present! - Egyptian Afterlife and the N.D.E. (YouTube Video)
2017: 3D Imaging Takes You Inside The Sarcophagus Of An Ancient Egyptian Girl - Iflscience.com
2017: 2,000-Year-Old Ancient Egyptian Child Mummy Revealed in Incredible Detail Through 3D Scanning Technology - UK News
2017: 2,000-Year-Old Ancient Egyptian Child Mummy Revealed in Incredible Detail Through 3D Scanning Technology - Newsweek.com
2017: Unravelling the mystery of Egypt's 'little one': 2,000-year old child mummy is revealed in incredible detail using 3D scanning - Dailymail.co.uk
2017: New Tech Brings 2,000-Year-Old Mummy of Little Egyptian Girl to Life in Stunning Detail - Ancient Origins
2017: Tech Shows 2,000-Year-Old Mummy of a Little Girl in Amazing Detail - Livescience.com
2015: Alchemy for You – Metro Active
2014: Alchemy Garden Opens in San Jose – Metro Active
2013: Alchemy Museum coming to Rosicrucian Park – Metro Active
2005: Secrets of a 2,000 Year Old Child – Time Magazine
2005: Mummy’s Secrets Revealed – Stanford News